The Winnebago Travato 59KL is a top-class RV with a V6 engine. The RV is available in 8 different colors and it comes with a starting price of $152,504. It also features many optional equipment.
Engine kill for a telescope wheel, narrow space, rear door closing issue, problems of driving on snow covered roads, seals peeling back of coming off, and power issues are the most frequent issues with the RV you should be concerned about.
Most of the users of the Travato 59KL face more than one of these issues in their RV-ing life. So, without further adieu, let’s learn more about the problems.
Common Travato 59KL Problems and Solutions

1. Engine Kill for Telescope Wheel
The Winnebago Travato 59KL has a major issue with the telescope wheel. The problem is when you start the RV, you cannot use the telescope wheel.
Because if you do, the engine turns off. Then if you want to start the RV, it will not start.
And then when you push the telescope wheel in, it will start again.
The Fix
The solution to this problem is to contact the seller or dealer for a suggestion. They will give proper solution.
If not, call a reliable repair company who can give a solution or repair the issue.
2. Travato 59KL Narrow Space
Some Winnebago Travato 59KL RV is narrow and short. Even though this RV is good for wilderness or hiking. Sometimes it can be problematic.
Winnebago Travato 59KL is not a good fit for more than two people. The arrangement is not easy when you have more tools and furniture.
The Fix
The only solution is to put your stuff into a tight place and arrange them properly. This may damage your stuff.
So you can make some extra space by attaching plywood to the free wall.
There are also some tools you can purchase online which can help you to arrange your tools properly. These storage accessories are cheap and easy to handle.
3. Rear Door Closing Issue
The Winnebago Travato 59KL has a major problem when camping. When you try to connect the city water and cable when camping on grid, the doors cannot be closed.
So for this problem, you can not use the power and keep the door closed at the same time. Thus you will not be able to camp the RV in a preferable area.
The Fix
To fix the cable issue, you have to line up the cable outlet with the OEM 120v and cable out outlets. This way you can both keep the door closed and use the power.
For fixing the water issue, you can buy or make a pex hose that fits through that space between the right edge of the passenger side rear door just above the bumper.
Move the 3/4 supply-to-RV pex system connection from the existing city fill inlet to a point outside the RV. When it is not in use, it can simply sit on the floor in front of the water control panel.
4. Problems with Driving on Snow-Covered Roads
The lighting of Winnebago Travato 59KL is not bright. So when it is foggy weather or snow falls, it is not easy to see what is coming in front.
The break is not also suitable for the iced road. Sometimes it can fail to break when the road is much slippery.
Another thing is that the blind spot for the Winnebago Travato 59KL is larger than other RVs. So it is not so easy to drive as the vision is less.
The Fix
Buy some better brakes for your RV which can be compatible with the snow-covered road.
Attach chains with the wheel of your vehicle. As a result, it will get a better grip on the iced road.
5. Seals Peeling Back or Coming Off
Damage to seal is a common problem for RV users. After some years the seal around the security locker can start to peel back. It peels off in a backward manner.
Seals coming off from the windows and doors are the most common issue. Because of this, rainwater can get in. Which can cause internal damage.
The Fix
Applying glue around the security locker can be a solution. It will reduce it to peeling off.
If the shape of the seal is changed or peeled off for the windows or doors, you can fix it by applying a little heat. For the heat, the seals will become softer, as a result, making it possible for you to reposition them.
To permanently solve the issue, you must remove the old, damaged sealant and replace it with a new one.
6. Power Issue
Even though this is a rare problem, this can be problematic badly. The front portion containing the microwave and AC, functions normally when you plug in a 30-amp outlet.
However, the back area does not work. The heater and rear lights are not powered as well.
The Fix
The heater runs on 12 volts. So when you switch on the AC and microwave 30 amp rig can not handle the other parts like a heater or rear lights.
So plugging in 50 amp can be the solution.
User Feedback on Travato 59KL
The Winnebago Travato 59KL is a comparatively smaller RV than others. Many of its owners are pleased with its many advantages and features.
In a review on a forum, people have praised Winnebago Travato 59KL by saying that Winnebago does the details well, and it fits perfectly for their purpose.
If you look at this forum, you’ll see some negative sides of the Winnebago Travato 59KL too. A user has experienced a problem and stated that his AC has noot been functioning properly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Class is the Winnebago Travato 59KL?
Class B.
What is the Winnebago Travato 59KJ’s starting price?
What is the fuel capacity of Winnebago Travato 59KL?
24 gal.
What is Winnebago Travato 59KL’s Awning Length?
13 foot.
I have explained the problems and their solution for the Winnebago Travato 59KL in this article. Despite the fact that many issues can be fixed, some nevertheless require ongoing care.
If any of these issues occur, keep in mind my advice and continue with caution.
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